5 Things I’ve Learnt about Racism Since June 2020

The urgency to be an ally has waned. Fatigue is expected, but change is unlikely to happen if we don’t keep going. Are we still listening, learning and speaking up? 


Even the most liberal of people still need more reflection and learning. Many times I’ve heard conversations that contain assumptions and stereotyping based on ethnicity. 

If I’m continually learning about navigating a society where racism is built into its core, I presume everyone else is, too? We all need to do more learning.


Some people very loudly claim to be ‘doing the work’. You'll see smoke and mirrors if you look closer or listen to the quieter voices. They only appear to be unlearning their racism because it makes them look good…and make them more money.


There are many levels of racism. I’ve mentioned before that not all racists are obvious, and not all racist actions involve violence. 

Telling jokes or using derogatory language are subtle forms of racism. It’s these more casual actions that we also need to challenge.  It is important to show people that these ‘harmless’ actions cause offence and won’t be tolerated.


Not talking about racism doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or will make it disappear. It just pushes the subject more into depth. If we truly want to do better, we must talk and listen.


And finally…why do people who have never experienced racism, never learnt about the history of racism, who never reflect on their privilege and behaviour, who aren’t willing to change - why do they get to decide what is or isn’t racist?



The End, and The Beginning